Showing posts with label Selfcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selfcare. Show all posts

Monday 3 July 2023

6 Common Mistakes While Drinking Water


6 Common Mistakes While Drinking Water
   6 Common Mistakes While Drinking Water

   6 Common Mistakes While Drinking Water

1.     Drinking Too Much Water :

                                                   Yes it is possible especially when you force yourself to drink all this water especially without electrolytes that help you deal with this extra water. When you drink too much water, you can dilute electrolytes specifically salt and you can create a condition hypopatremia where there’s not enough sodium in your blood and that actually is a form of dehydration. So it is possible that drinking too much water can put you in a situation where you’re dehydrated.

2.     Drinking Water Too Quickly :

      This is not like a major point, it’s a minor point but when you drink water too fast, sometimes the sodium in your blood doesn’t have a chance to help balance this fluid and that’s one of the sodium’s jobs is to help balance fluid inside and outside the cell and so when you’re forcing too quickly too much water in your body than can actually create some swelling especially if it’s a lot of water because sodium will start going into the cell too fast and you’ll be deficient outside the cell so it creates this in balance situation.

3.     Drinking The Wrong Fluids :

                                                   You’re getting all your hydration from other fluids like coffee, tea, maybe alcohol which completely dehydrates you, soda which is completely dehydrating and yes there are certain people out there that think that soda hydrates you – it doesn’t. So when you are drinking like coffee and tea realize that both of those have a diuretic effect so they can be pushing fluid out of your body and not necessarily hydrating you and also if you’re on diuretic on top of that and you’re pushing all this fluid out of your body it can make you very dehydrated.

4    Drinking While Eating :

                                            Drinking while eating can dilute your gastric juices like hydrochloric acid and if you already have a weakness within this area you don’t have enough stomach acid or it’s not acid enough which is very common especially if you’re over the age of 45. Drinking more water with your meals will dilute your ability to digest especially protein and you may end up with gerd or acid reflux. So, Don’t over drink water with your meal.

5.     Drinking Extremely Cold Water In Large Amounts :

                                                                                            It can inhibit the vagus nerve. This is a minor point, it’s not a big point, some people can drink a lot of cold water but if your digestive system is already weak, let’s say you have get a lot of bloating or you have a lot of digestive issues and you drink a good amount of ice cold water that can slow down the vagus nerve which is responsible for digestion.

6.     Drinking Tap Water :

                                       Some people will say that drinking tap water is safe but they’re finding all sorts of things in tap water that are not safe. Not to mention the chlorine and fluorine but also glyphosate which is the chemical roundup ready that is involved with the gmo foods. You have chemicals that affect fertility, hormones, your brain; you have chemicals that are carcinogenic and on top of that there’s a lot of nano size particles, very small particles of plastics that you’re getting when you’re drinking the tap water. 


What’ll Happen If You Start Eating 3 Eggs A Day?


What’ll Happen If You Start Eating 3 Eggs A Day?
What’ll Happen If You Start Eating 3 Eggs A Day? 

Eggs have been getting a bad rap in the health and fitness community because they’re associated with cholesterol and weight gain. Others say, they may trigger a heart attack and people who want to lose weight usually remove eggs from their diet but what if you tried to eat three eggs a day?

Imagine how a single cell turn into a healthy baby chicken. For this to happen an egg must be packed with life-giving nutrients. It contains calories, proteins, healthy fats, folate, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and vitamins A, B5, B12, B2, D, E, K, and B6. You’ve heard that eggs particularly the yolks contains an insane amount of cholesterol but did you know that cholesterol I not entirely bad? According to the website medical news today it can be found in every cell in your body. This waxy and fat like substance plays an important role in digestion and vitamin D production. It also helps generates steroid hormones like testosterone, estrogen and cortisol. It has two types: Low density lipoproteins or LDL also known as bad cholesterol and high density lipoproteins or HDL – the good cholesterol. The American heart association explains the difference between the two  - LDL contributes to fatty buildups in arteries and increase the risk for heart attacks, stroke and peripheral artery disease. On the other hand, HDL knocks out LDL by taking it away from the arteries and dumping it on the liver to break it down and annihilate it completely.

Eggs contain Omega-3 fatty acids and dietary cholesterol.  Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats. The national heart foundation of Australia said that Omega-3 fatty acids can lower your heart rate and rhythm, decrease the risk of clotting, reduce blood pressure levels, improves blood vessel function and delay the buildup of plaque in coronary arteries. In the case of dietary cholesterol, several studies proved that eggs don’t increase the risk of heart disease according to healthline. It seems that both eggs and cholesterol are of bad press but they’re actually good guys.


        Benefits You Get From The Eggs

1.      Eggs Keep You Full And Help With Weight Loss :

                                   One of the characteristics of filling foods or foods that satiate hunger is that they’re rich in protein. A large egg contains about 6 grams of high quality protein which may help you eat less for several hours after a meal. As a result, this helps you lose weight because you’re satiated and can avoid impromptu trips to the fridge when you are feeling hungry.

2.     Eggs Improve Eye Health :

                            Egg yolks contain lutein which helps to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. It contains zeaxanthin which protects you from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Moreover, according to the egg nutrition council, eggs can protect your eyes from the retinal damage because they contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs are loaded with vitamin A which protects your cornea and zinc which improves the health of your retina.

3.     Eggs Keep Your Bones Healthy :

                                         A study conducted by the department of food and technology at Hanseo University suggests that egg yolks improve bone metabolism and improve the risk of osteoporosis. Also, whole eggs contain vitamin D to protect your bones, phosphorus to keep your bones healthy and calcium to improve the density of your bones.

4.     Eggs Help With Brain Development In Infants And Fetuses :

                                           Eggs aren’t only good for adults but for infants and even fetuses. The choline is egg is beneficial for fetal brain development. The yolks can also help to prevent birth defects during pregnancy. Vitamin B is important for the development of spinal cord and fetal nervous system. It also helps prevent breast cancer.


A study from the department of nutritional sciences at the university of Connecticut revealed that a person who consumes three eggs a day may experiences more of an increase in good cholesterol and decrease in bad cholesterol than someone who eats the same amount of egg substitute. The UK National Health Service says there is no recommended limit meaning eat all you can. On the other hand, The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition suggested maximum of 12 eggs per week. The National Heart Foundation Of Australia limits it to 6 or 7 eggs each week. Regardless of the number, the message is clear that the eggs are safe and healthy to eat. 



Wednesday 1 June 2022

Types Of Body Fat And How To Get Rid Of It

Types Of Body Fat And How To Get Rid Of ItBody Fat;  The bane of our existence. We hate it, we desperately want to get rid of it but most of us don’t realize that there is no Universal  remedy for the fat that distributed in the various parts of our body.

1.   Full Upper Body Fat :

      This type of fats usually starts to accumulate if you consume more calories than you burn. So the main contributes here are overeating and inactivity.

-         How to get rid of it :

Do aerobics because this type of fat appears due to lack of physical activity. Running or swimming at least 30 minutes every day will help you burn this fat right off. If its impossible for you to fit any of these in your busy schedule, try brisk walking. You can even dance if you want to.

                 Stop consuming processed sugar and forget about sugar sweetened drinks.

2.   Lower Abdomen Fat :

  You might have perfectly slim arms and legs but still not 100% satisfied with your looks because of a Poochie tummy. Some of the reasons that cause fats to store in this part of the body are stress, depression and anxiety.

-          How to get rid of it :

  Avoid stress and learn to relax. The stress hormone cortisol makes fat collect in the belly. So a good option for you is to meditate or do some breathing exercises. It’s all about focus and mind power.

                       Drink Green Tea. It’s a great natural fat burner because it’s loaded with the antioxidants that can boost metabolism.

3.    Lower Body Fat :

Your hips really don’t lie. One of the cause of those annoying chapping thunder-thighs is an excess of gluten in your diet. If you aren’t happy with the size of your lower body, you may want to consider going gluten – free.

-         How  to get rid of it :

Walk up hills and stairs. You really should make the effort because it’ll set the fat on your thighs on fire. Riding a bike uphill or increasing the treadmills incline will also work. Your heart will beat faster and you’ll have to work harder since you’re moving upward.

          Don’t skip breakfast.

4.   A Bloated Stomach :

    Excessive alcohol consumption can swell up your stomach, so be moderate with your drinks if you want to flatter tummy.

-         How to get rid of it :

Cut back on alcohol as most of its calories end up becoming belly fat just like those carbonated drinks loaded with sugar. Alcohol gives us calories but not nutritional satisfaction. It makes us hungrier and gives us food cravings.

Eat more often but in smaller portions.

5.     Lower Body Fat including Lower Legs :

This type of fat is common for women who have vascular problems in their legs or during pregnancy which can cause the legs to swell.

-         How to get rid of it :

   To avoid swelling, you need to drastically cut down on salty foods since salt causes fluid retention in your body.

                                           Change your diet and add more water to it. It’ll flush out that extra sodium from your kidneys. Don’t sit without moving for more than 30 minutes. Try to stand up and walk around frequently.

6.    A Large Stomach With Upper Back Fat :

 The main reason why this can happen to you is inactivity. So, you should start exercising immediately if your big stomach and back fat bothers you.

-         How  to get rid of it :

   An effective remedy for a large stomach and upper back fat is sleeping. Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep.

   Eat more food that is rich in fiber. This means adding beans, peas, lentils, broccoli, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, avocados and raspberries to your diet.

 Please remember that a healthy diet and an active lifestyle will have the best impact on your body regardless of your figure type. The key is to make lifestyle changes that with time become a normal part of your routine. It’s just the starting that’s the hardest part, so get to it so that you can on the road to a better you.

Article by:- Roshana Ghimire

Sunday 29 May 2022

Top 10 Amazing Books You Must Read Before You Die

Top 10 Amazing Books You Must Read Before You Die

If you are Searching for Amazing book you should read or book must read before you die or if you are searching to read something new and amazing books you are in the right place .Here are Top 10 Amazing Books You Must Read Before You Die :


Thursday 26 May 2022

How to be Happy : 12 Ways to become Happy

How to be Happy : 12 Ways to become Happy There are thousands of tips and psychological techniques to help you feel happy and learn to  ejoice each day. But what if our own body had a say in the matter? Here are some findings from neuroscientist :Happiness generally refers to the process of enjoying the life with peace, satisfaction etc.  There are thousands of tips and psychological techniques to help you feel happy and learn to  ejoice each day. But what if our own body had a say in the matter? Here are some findings from neuroscientist : 1.	Engage In Pleasant Expectations :  The process of waiting for something nice, such as food or sex, is similar to the learned salivation response. Our brain experiences  pleaser by simply anticipating in fun event. That’s why we were so fond of counting the hours and minutes to some particular events. 2.	Solve Problems One At A Time: Our brain never stops searching for solutions to every problem that worries us. This takes a lot of energy, so whenever the brain gets tired, and the problem remains unresolved and we feel anxiety and irritation. On the other hand, for every right decision, our brain rewards itself with a dose of neurotransmitters that calm the limbic system and helps us once again see the world in better light.  3.	Don’t Keep Things Pent UP; Talk About What Bothers You: The Processes of wordlessly  going through something unpleasant and talking about your predicament involve making use of different parts of the brain. In the letter case, negative emotions have a lesser impact on your well-being. It is, therefore advisable not to keep your problem pent up.  4.	Touch And Embrace:  To us humans. Social interaction is important. Various forms of physical support, especially touch and embraces, can speed up a person’s  recovery from an illness. If you remove physical interaction from your life, the brain perceives its absence the way its perceives physical pain; the same brain zones become activated in both instances. This, in turn, triggers the process that affect your mood and contribute to the development of depression.    5.	Learn, Learn And Once Again Learn: For the brain, acquiring new knowledge means permanent adaptation to a changing environment. Using this process, our brain develops, rewarding its own attempts to absorb and process new information with dopamine, the hormone of joy. If you want to be happy, don’t be afraid to try something new, to change your surroundings, to learn new things.  6.	Play Sports:  Physical activity is stress for the body. As soon as the stress ends, your body gets a reward; a dose of endorphins, released by the pituitary gland. You don’t need to run marathons to achieve this result – even a regular walk can do wonders.  7.	Always Try To Get A Good Sleep: Start using a sleep mask. As long as your brain thinks it’s nighttime, it keeps on sleeping. While we sleep in the dark, our body secrets the hormone melatonin. This hormone slows down all processes in the body, helping it to recover and increasing the level of serotonin in the hypothalamus. If the brain detects a change in lighting, it triggers the release of the stress hormone to awaken the body quickly. Therefore, it is important to sleep 6-8 hours a day and  only in darkened environments.  8.	Learn To Say “Thank You“: When we say a person, or even fate, for something, we focus ourselves on the positive aspects of life. Pleasant memories triggers selotonin production in the anterior cingulate cortex. This technique is often used for treatment of depression.        There are different objects to overcome stress and make you happy. Some of them are: 1.	Play Dough:  It is a famous toy invented as wallpaper cleanser. Its sticky surface help collect all the suit from the walls and houses with a fireplace. Initially it was solid white but it got many vivid colors later so the detergent in this substance was removed and replaced by colorants.  2.	Slinky:   In 1943 Richard James, a mechanical engineer was working to create unique springs that could keep ship equipments steady even if the sea was rough. While working, he accidentally knocked some samples  off a shelf  and he realized those springs didn’t  just fall but could literally walk . 3.	Chewing Gum:    It was supposed to be a replacement for rubber, the rubber experiment failed giving life to a modern version of chewing gum.  4.	Bubble Wrap:     It was meant to become cutting age design wallpapers,

Happiness generally refers to the process of enjoying the life with peace, satisfaction etc.

There are thousands of tips and psychological techniques to help you feel happy and learn to  rejoice each day. But what if our own body had a say in the matter? Here are some findings from neuroscientist :


Signs Of Depression

It is a kind of feeling of sadness. Here are some of signs that you’re suffering from depression without even knowing it:

Depression generally means the act of depressing or a state of being depressed. It is a kind of feeling of sadness. It is a serious matter that unfortunately doesn’t get talked about enough.

Here are some of signs that you’re suffering from depression without even knowing it:

1.    You Constantly Feel Down Or Tired:

Feeling a little down in the dumps from time to time is completely normal. When you start feeling hopeless and don’t wanna get out of bed for days. That’s where it gets into dangerous territory.


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